Learn more in less time
Supported by live coaches
Engage with professionals like yourself
With dozens of AI tools
Artificial intelligence is quickly disrupting every industry. Mastering AI is now essential to keep pace and stay competitive.
21 Days to Master AI provides a quick and easy-to-understand education on how AI works, how to protect yourself from its risks and pitfalls, and fully leverage its opportunities for greater efficiency, productivity, and innovation.
Our unique accelerated learning format allows you to gain skills quickly and interactively with the help of expert coaches available during and after the course to ensure your success.
The final capstone project will allow you to work on a task of the scale and length of your choosing — with the support of coaches — enabling you to solve a real-world problem or create your own AI deliverable.
You will also gain technical skills — this course will challenge you to go beyond your peers and learn skills like programming with AI, prompt engineering, and application development. In fact, over half of the coursework will introduce technical material that will not just catch you up but set your skills apart and prepare you for the future.
This course is perfect for all levels—business leaders, managers, team and project leaders, business owners, and individuals interested in professional and career development. It will quickly educate beginners while offering challenges to those with some AI experience. No technical background is required.
There are countless AI courses, from free overview courses with no instructor to costly semester-long technical courses given by colleges and universities that cost thousands of dollars. 21 Days to Master AI is the best of all worlds. Why? Because it’s a combination of business use cases and foundational technology concepts that will provide you with a stronger grasp and more holistic understanding of AI.
You'll learn more in less time
Supported by live coaches -- if you have a question, your coaches are available
You'll engage with live cohorts of professionals like yourself to learn from and network with -- both during and after the course
You'll walk away from this course with hands-on experience with dozens of AI tools
Students will earn a professional certificate of completion and a digital badge.
Serial entrepreneur, polymath, physics PhD candidate, and investor, also known as “The Simplifier.” Advisor to executive leadership teams, helping companies generate asymmetric, outsized returns on AI. With a background in theoretical physics, pure and applied mathematics, and software engineering, my life has been shaped by a relentless drive to question the state of gray-area complexities around me.
I’m a lifelong learner who continually explores all possible paths toward understanding the workings of the world. I retired from my first business, Good Automation, at 37. Since then, I’ve become a founder, shareholder, and board member of 8+ businesses in AI and emerging Technology.
Today, I serve as Co-Founder and Chief AI Officer for numerous organizations. I am the founder of a private advisory practice designed for medium-sized and Fortune 500 companies who want to generate major returns leveraging AI. I’m an early-stage angel investor & corporate Board Director in AI-powered startups, an active member of Entrepreneurs’ Organization, and a physics PhD candidate.